Dúchas thar Farraige

“A tradition should not be defined by its ability to protect itself from the outside world, but by its ability to adapt to it.”

– Ale Möller

Dúchas thar Farraige (‘Heritage over the Ocean’) is a collaborative project between Irish guitarist Chris Comhaill and Finnish double bassist Otso Mielonen. Using Celtic traditional melody as a foundation the pair explore the adaptive nature of tradition alongside modern harmony, digital technology and improvisation. The project seeks to promote cultural collaborations through music, folklore and history employing a decolonising approach and embracing the idea that we can learn something from one another, regardless of our backgrounds.

A duo is a special combination allowing both reactive conversation and a space for individual expression. As a duo Chris and Otso have had a close musical relationship for many years lending their musical conversations the depth, weight and personal history of shared experience. 

"...Enthralling performance merging elements of both tradition and innovation; we look forward to seeing the future development of this work." - DLR Arts Office

Photography Anna Nowakowska